The Oxford Voice is a free, people-centred, independent community newspaper, delivering a positive source of news and information contributed by local people; actively promoting and celebrating great work going on in the area, tackling stigma and marginalisation around mental health, disability, homelessness and other members of society who face social isolation.
There hasn’t been a community newspaper like Cowley News and Leys News in Oxford for a long time and it’s been much missed. We are therefore very excited to be establishing a new one. The Oxford Voice.
How will it work?
The Oxford Voice will be a 16 page full colour publication published quarterly with a print run of 3,000 copies per issue distributed locally to community centres, cultural establishments, schools, youth groups, shops and businesses. A digital copy will be available on our website along with regular updates for current news and views.
Who is behind it?
We believe that a local paper should belong to the community, and be contributed to by people that live in and love the various neighbourhoods of Oxford. That a local paper should benefit its readers rather than its shareholders, which is why we’ve established ourselves as a not for profit community interest company. This means any profits we generate are invested back into the company, expanding the ways in which we can serve the community.
Support our crowdfunder
Raising £10,000 through our Crowdfunding campaign will ensure our first year of publishing and the development of our website whilst we grow our supporter base and revenue from advertising.
Your contribution will also help us to develop our Community Reporter training program, including training in other aspects of producing a newspaper and media for our website, alongside working collaboratively as a team. This will be offered at low or no cost for those who may have struggled in a conventional learning environment.
You can donate as little or as much as you like, including your ideas and involvement.